Birth Chart Reading

Your birth chart, also known as your natal chart, is a snapshot of the positions of the planets at the exact time and place of your birth. By analyzing these positions, Rahul can gain insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential life events. The placement of planets in certain houses and signs can reveal information about your relationships, career, health, and overall life path. Get ready to uncover the mysteries of your cosmic blueprint!

Birth chart readings

A Vedic astrology birth chart reading is a way to gain insights into an individual's personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life path based on the placement of the celestial bodies at the time and location of their birth. By knowing an individual's birth date, time, and place, an astrologer can create a chart that represents the positions of the planets, sun, moon, and other celestial bodies on the zodiac wheel.

Through analyzing the astrological signs and houses in the chart, an astrologer can provide insights into an individual's strengths and weaknesses, career prospects, relationships, and life purpose. This tool can also be useful for personal growth by helping individuals understand their unique energies and influences. Understanding one's birth chart can provide a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. An astrology birth chart reading is a useful and insightful tool that can assist individuals in their personal growth and self-discovery journey.

This is much more than a standard, auto generated birth chart reading. Rahul, an Astrologer with over 2 decades experience, will combine his gift of face and aura reading with Vedic astrology to be give you his own personal reading of you, your strengths, your weakness, answers to your questions and guidance on how to live your life to its best.

Simply click the button below and enter your birth date, time and place, your questions you would like guidance on, a photo of yourself (for the aura reading). Rahul will then email a compressive - easy to read - personalised birth chart reading in a PDF document that you can keep to help you understand yourself better and to guide you for the best possible future for yourself with a virtual phone meeting for upto 1 hour.

Investment price is $200 AUD for 1 person only.

For those interested in a more personalized astrological experience, I offer in-person astrological reading appointments. During these sessions, we will delve deeper into your birth chart, exploring the insights and guidance it can provide for your personal growth and life path.

Investment price is $250 AUD for 1 person only.

Please note - This reading can’t be completed without your birth chart. You will need at the time of booking, your full birth date, correct birth time, birth location and a clear photo of your face and the questions you would like answered.